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White Tombstones

White tombstones are rather uncommon in cemeteries. They have a very noble, peaceful quality and can therefore be a beautiful choice.

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The Impact of White Gravestones

The color white symbolizes peace and inner calm. White appears pure and peaceful to us. As a gravestone color, white has a significant impact. It brings tranquility and clarity. 

In contrast to Europe, where we associate death with black and dark colors, white is the classic color of mourning and new beginnings in Japan. 

When we think of white, we often only consider the standard shade of white we encounter in everyday life, like typical white wall paint. However, there is a variety of white shades, such as lily white, pearl white, antique white, or diamond white. Many of these nuances are suitable for gravestones and provide a very elegant and stylish appearance.


The Meaning of the Color White

White has significance in many cultures. 

In Egypt, white represents happiness and joy. In Asian countries, it signifies a new beginning and hope. We Europeans often associate white with purity and innocence. 

Notably, similar to black, white is not considered a color in the true sense. It is understood as a combination of all colors. 

In the church, the color white symbolizes Jesus Christ as the 'Light of the World.' 

As you can see, white is also symbolically suitable for a gravestone. 

We would like to offer you a thought-provoking impulse in this regard. Perhaps a white gravestone, with its special symbolism, may perfectly reflect the character of the deceased?

White Headstones - Various Types of White Natural Stones

On our cemeteries, dark headstones still dominate. They continue to embody death and mourning for many of us. However, a white headstone can add a touch of elegance and distinction.

And white doesn't necessarily mean pure white: Depending on the stone you choose, you can achieve a unique hue. 

A headstone made of white marble brings a sophisticated shine with its veining, while a headstone made of white granite exudes more clarity and minimalism. Sandstone or quartzite are also used to create lighter headstones.

Original Messerschmidt White Headstones

Learn more about our works and the stories behind them.

Proper Maintenance of White Tombstones

Light-colored gravestones require cleaning more frequently than darker ones. Dirt and grime are more visible on them. However, if you maintain the tombstone regularly, water and a sponge, or a soft brush if necessary, will suffice to remove dust and dirt.

For more significant moss or lichen growth, you should use a specialized tombstone cleaner.

It is also very suitable for light-colored stones.

We are here for you We are happy to advise you.


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more than 1.400 Gravesteones:
Rotebachring 45
74564 Crailsheim

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