Tombstone Slab: The Alternative to the Traditional Headstone

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Traditional headstones are expensive and require regular maintenance. A more affordable and time-saving alternative: the grave marker slab. This is particularly suitable when time and money are limited, but you still want a well-kept grave for your loved ones. Here’s everything you need to know about the grave marker slab.


What is a grave marker slab?

Grave marker slabs serve the same purpose as traditional headstones but avoid the high costs and maintenance. Unlike a headstone, they are laid flat on the grave rather than standing upright. Smaller grave marker slabs are often called pillow or flat stones. They are suitable for almost any grave and work well for single graves, double graves, meadow graves, or as urn grave markers.


Grave marker slabs: The materials

Most grave marker slabs are made from granite. The advantage: Granite is a hard stone known for its durability and longevity. It is available in various colors and patterns and is highly weather-resistant.

Other natural stones like sandstone are also suitable for grave marker slabs. With its warm tones, it blends seamlessly into the cemetery landscape and is easy to maintain. Since sandstone is softer, it is particularly good for intricate engravings. Locally sourced sandstone is not only sustainable but also comparatively affordable.

Limestone is another local stone known for its long lifespan. It is easy to maintain and also ideal for fine engravings and decorations.

Marble is among the more luxurious, yet expensive options. Its unique veining makes each piece a distinctive work of elegance. However, marble surfaces require significant maintenance.

For a modern touch, you might consider stainless steel slabs. Stainless steel is not only durable, high-quality, and rust-resistant, but also allows for timeless and versatile designs without the need for extensive upkeep.

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Design Options for Gravestone Slabs

Full Coverage or Partial Coverage?

With full coverage, the entire grave is covered - no planting involved. Instead, you can use the entire area as a memorial plaque and decorate it with inscriptions and memorial ornaments.

With partial coverage, a section of the grave remains uncovered, leaving space for individual planting and floral decorations. The choice between these options largely depends on personal preferences and the desired maintenance effort of the final resting place.

Besondere Formen bei der Grabplatte Bei der Wahl der richtigen Grabplatte gibt es zahlreiche besondere Formen, die traditionelle und moderne Designs umfassen. Diese einzigartigen Designs können individuell auf die Persönlichkeit und den Stil des Verstorbenen abgestimmt werden. Ob schlicht und elegant oder auffällig und kunstvoll – die Möglichkeiten sind nahezu unbegrenzt. Unsere erfahrenen Steinmetze stehen Ihnen zur Seite, um eine Grabplatte zu gestalten, die den einzigartigen Charakter und das Andenken Ihres geliebten Menschen würdigt. Besuchen Sie uns, um die verschiedenen Optionen zu sehen und lassen Sie sich inspirieren. Wir beraten Sie gerne persönlich und einfühlsam.

Unique Designs

If traditional shapes don't appeal to you, consider opting for personalized, unique alternatives.

  • Heart Shape: A heart-shaped headstone symbolizes love and affection. It's a popular choice for spouses or partners to express deep connection.
  • Cross Shape: The cross is one of the most well-known religious symbols, often used for Christian graves. From simple to ornate, a variety of designs are possible.
  • Tree or Leaf Shape: If the deceased had a special connection to nature, headstones in the shape of trees or leaves can represent this strong bond.
  • Book Shape: A book-shaped headstone serves as a metaphor for the life and stories of the deceased. It also offers space for personal texts or poems.
  • Cutouts: Headstones can also feature cutouts. The shape of these cutouts is up to you, allowing for a highly personalized touch.


Engraved Plaques

Most people think first of the engraving on a headstone in terms of name, birth, and death dates. However, the possibilities are vast: phrases, quotes, symbols, or even portraits of the beloved deceased can be engraved on the stone. Especially with laser engraving, fine and detailed images are possible. Traditional hand engraving by a stonemason is also an option. Each technique has its own advantages and aesthetics—we are happy to advise you.

Headstones - Common Sizes

The Right Size

Selecting the size depends on various factors:

  1. Cemetery Regulations: Every cemetery has its own rules regarding headstone sizes, including permissible dimensions. Before choosing a headstone, make sure to familiarize yourself with the local cemetery regulations, and if in doubt, consult with the cemetery administration.
  2. Personal Preferences: The size of the headstone should match the family's personal preferences and desires. Some may prefer larger headstones to have more space for engravings, images, and symbols, while others may opt for a simpler, more understated look.
  3. Design Elements: If you wish to add many design elements such as engravings, images, and symbols, a larger headstone might be necessary. Keep in mind that the size of the headstone will impact design possibilities.
  4. Budget: Generally, the larger the headstone, the higher the cost. Make sure to get a detailed cost estimate from your chosen provider in advance.
What is a Gravestone Slab?

Grave plaques or gravestones serve the same purpose as the traditional headstone.

How are tombstone slabs secured?

Grave slabs or horizontal gravestones, like upright gravestones, can only be placed on the grave about a year after the burial. Immediately after the burial, it is not possible to erect a gravestone or lay a grave slab.

When should the headstone be placed?

The appropriate time to set a gravestone plaque is several months to a year after the burial. The exact timing depends on the soil conditions and ensures that neither the grave nor the plaque settles further.

What is inscribed on a gravestone?

In most cases, a tombstone displays the name of the deceased along with their birth and death dates. Sometimes, tombstones are additionally adorned with images – such as flowers or Christian symbols.

How to Clean a Gravestone?

You can easily clean a tombstone with water, a sponge, and a brush. If you encounter more stubborn stains, it is recommended to use a specialized tombstone cleaner from a professional store.

What is the cost of a gravestone?

The gravestone slab is by far the most affordable type of grave design. Depending on the material, size, and design, a gravestone slab costs between €150 and €1800.

We are happy to discuss your ideas and wishes in a personal conversation and provide you with a tailored offer.

Installation and Placement of the Gravestone Slab

Gravestone slabs, like headstones, can generally only be placed about a year after the burial. Immediately following the burial, the installation of the slab is only possible for urn graves. The reason is: The grave needs some time to stabilize in the soil. Moreover, the usually essential foundation for the gravestone slab can only be laid once the grave has stopped settling.

Unlike upright headstones, gravestone slabs can often be laid without a foundation by private individuals. However, not every cemetery administration permits this.


Installing Gravestone Slabs Yourself: A Guide

  1. Prepare the location: Make sure the ground is stable, compacted, and level.
  2. Place the gravestone slab: Carefully lift the gravestone slab and set it on the selected location. Ensure that the slab is evenly and straightly positioned.
  3. Check alignment: Use a level to check the alignment of the gravestone slab. It should be horizontally and vertically straight.
  4. Ensure stability: Verify the stability of the gravestone slab to ensure it is securely fixed and can withstand weather conditions.
  5. Cleaning and maintenance: Clean the gravestone slab and remove any dirt or residues. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for care and maintenance.


Buying Gravestone Slabs Online

You can nowadays also order gravestone slabs online. Important: Pay attention to quality, price, and especially delivery time. Keep in mind that individual consultation is not possible online. Look for references, reviews, and experiences from previous buyers. Also important: Is there a guarantee and good customer service? How does the shipping process work? Avoid providers who require unreasonable advance payments.

Legal Requirements and Permits

In most cases, family members also need a permit for gravestones. Every cemetery has its own rules, which are outlined in the respective cemetery regulations. There, you will find the guidelines for how gravestones may look. We handle the application process for you and only start crafting the stone once the permit has been granted. Many cemetery administrations have their own application forms. Important: For your stonemason to handle the permit application, they need authorization from the grave rights holder.

The following information is typically needed for the permit:

  • Grave location, grave number
  • Name of the deceased
  • Dimensions


Costs and Prices for Gravestones

The costs for gravestones vary depending on size and material. While locally sourced stones like sandstone or limestone are generally affordable, marble, for example, is significantly more expensive. Nonetheless, gravestones remain one of the more cost-effective design options.

Key Factors Include:

  • Type and quality of stone
  • Weight
  • Complexity and type of craftsmanship


Grave Markers as an Affordable Alternative

Gravestones not only offer a beautiful alternative to traditional headstones, but they are also particularly affordable. More and more families are opting for these modern stones. Whether you prefer intricate designs, premium stones, or something simple and traditional, gravestones are as diverse as they are unique. Feel free to contact us; we are happy to advise you.

Affordable Gravestone Plaques are available for as little as a few hundred euros. Prices start at around 250.00 euros. Depending on the customer's wishes and effort (e.g., engraving a detailed photo or memorial message), such a plaque can also quickly cost between 800 and 1800 euros.

To best estimate the costs for a gravestone plaque, we recommend a personal consultation. We will gladly address your ideas and wishes in a personal conversation and create a tailored offer for you.

We are here for you We are happy to assist you.


Flat grave markers are an excellent option for those looking to minimize the effort involved in grave maintenance while still providing a high-quality and enduring memorial for their loved ones. Additionally, flat grave markers are significantly more affordable compared to upright headstones. 

Before deciding on a flat grave marker, you should carefully check if the cemetery in question requires a permit process for headstones and grave markers. If this is the case, we will handle the application process for you and take care of the installation of the flat grave marker.

Ihr zuverlässiger Partner

Als Meisterbetrieb bieten wir seit 2006 würdevolle Grabmäler in ganz Deutschland an. 
Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Suche und Konzeption eines passenden Grabsteins kompetent und professionell.

Bei unserer großen Auswahl an Urnengrabsteinen, Einzelgrabsteinen, Doppelgrabsteinen und Liegegrabsteinen ist auch für Ihren Geschmack etwas dabei.
Jedes Grabmal ist individuell - deswegen nehmen wir uns die Zeit, die Sie benötigen, um einen würdevollen Ruheort zu gestalten.

Zwar produzieren wir im schönen Crailsheim in Baden-Württemberg. Aufgestellt werden unsere Grabsteine aber in ganz Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz - also auch bei Ihnen und das ohne Aufpreis!

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