Gravestone Recycling: Repurposing Old Memorials

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Reusing old tombstones, although it might seem unusual at first, is not uncommon. There are beautiful and high-quality methods to refurbish and redesign old tombstones.

Key Facts about Recycling Headstones

Background information, images, and additional details can be found further down this page

What Happens to the Headstone After the Grave is Vacated?

Most burial plots have a resting period of usually 20 to 25 years. Once this period is over, the grave must be cleared. This includes the removal of the headstone. Typically, old headstones are shredded and subsequently used as gravel in road construction. However, headstones can also be repurposed or reused. We want to bring this topic a bit closer to you.

Recycling Headstones: Expensive or Worthwhile?

One criticism of gravestone recycling is that reusing headstones is often more expensive than having a completely new stone made. The time investment for gravestone recycling is considerable; although material costs are saved, the planning process and the labor itself require significantly more effort.

Other Uses for Tombstones?

You can place the tombstone in your garden as it is, or have it reshaped by a stonemason into a different form. This way, the stone will no longer strongly resemble a tombstone and can create a new atmosphere. Additionally, it is also possible for the former tombstone to serve as a pathway or tabletop.

The Pros and Cons of Gravestone Recycling

The Benefits of Repurposing a Gravestone

Instead of destroying the stone as usual, it can be repurposed. To do this, the top layer must be sanded down so that the previous inscriptions are no longer visible. Then, the stone is reworked and inscribed anew.

The gravestone that once bore memories of a loved one does not simply get destroyed; it receives a new life. For many people, this is a more beautiful and respectful concept.

Used gravestones also tell a certain story. They no longer look brand new but have “lived,” giving them more character and possibly suiting your beloved deceased better than a new, overly smooth stone.

If the stone is from an old family grave and is now to be used for other members of the same family, it can be a beautiful sign of eternal connection.

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The Disadvantages of Reusing a Tombstone

Many families find it difficult to imagine placing a reused tombstone on the grave of a loved one, especially if the tombstone originally belonged to someone else.

Another criticism of tombstone recycling is that reusing an old stone can often be more expensive than having a new one made. The time and effort involved in tombstone recycling are considerable. While you might save on materials, the planning process and labor are significantly more demanding. For this reason, many stonemasons do not offer such redesigns, as removing existing fixtures, filling drill holes, and sanding down inscriptions and layers is very time-consuming.

Who Buys Old Tombstones?

Surprisingly, a stone does not lose its value over time. If you want to sell a used tombstone, you can inquire with funeral directors and stonemasons. Especially if the stone is of high quality, they might be willing to buy old tombstones. You can expect to receive around 10 percent of the original purchase price.

The cemetery administration can also dispose of your old stone, although this usually incurs a fee.

Additional Uses for Used Tombstones

Another way to reuse a tombstone is to repurpose it as a decorative piece at home to continue remembering the deceased. You could place the tombstone in your garden as it is, or you might have it redesigned by a stonemason. You could alter its shape or size, so it no longer resembles a tombstone and creates a new ambiance for remembering your loved one. Additionally, the former tombstone could be used as a walkway or table top. Stonemasons also offer redesign options for these purposes.

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