Social Burial: Application, Process, and Income Limits

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Losing a loved one is a painful experience and heavily impacts all surviving relatives. In this challenging time, immediate family members, in addition to their grief, also have the responsibility of arranging the deceased's funeral. Unfortunately, there are many who cannot afford the high costs of a dignified burial from their own resources. 

This is where the so-called 'social funeral' comes into play. This means that the funeral costs are covered by the responsible social welfare office or there is a certain funeral grant available. However, specific conditions must be met to qualify for a social funeral. We would like to explain to you here what these conditions are and how a social funeral works. 


Who is responsible for paying funeral costs?

Typically, the heirs are responsible for bearing the funeral costs. This obligation is considered a counterpart to receiving the inheritance. If such an obligation cannot reasonably be expected from the heirs, or if there are no heirs or inheritance, then the person obliged to provide financial support is responsible for the costs - if this person does not exist, the relatives are required to cover the costs. 


Who pays for the funeral when there is no money?

If the cost cannot reasonably be expected from the relevant individuals or they simply cannot come up with the amount, the local social welfare office steps in. In this case, we are talking about a 'social funeral.' 


What is a social funeral? 

But what exactly does that mean? A social funeral refers to the situation where the social welfare office responsible for the place of death assumes the funeral costs. 

If the funeral can be paid for from the deceased's estate, this cost coverage does not apply. In cases where the inheritance does not cover all the expenses, a grant or subsidy for the funeral costs can be provided by the social welfare office. 


Who qualifies for a social funeral?

Deceased individuals who do not have relatives or heirs with the necessary financial means to pay for the funeral costs, and who have not left enough behind to cover the costs themselves, qualify for a social funeral. 

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Who Can Apply for a Social Burial?

Only those legally responsible for covering the burial costs can apply for a social burial. In other words, the 'next of kin.' 

If, for instance, the deceased has no spouse, siblings or their children would be required to cover all funeral expenses. If there are multiple children, the burial costs will be divided among them. 

If the deceased leaves behind an inheritance, it can also be used to cover the funeral expenses. If the inheritance is insufficient and the costs of the burial are still unreasonable for the family to bear, a social burial can be considered. 

Who pays for the funeral when there is no money?

If the costs cannot reasonably be expected to be borne by the eligible individuals or if they simply cannot raise the sum, the local welfare office steps in. In that case, we refer to it as a social burial.

Who is eligible for a social burial?

Deceased individuals who do not have relatives or heirs with sufficient wealth to cover funeral expenses, and who have not left enough themselves to pay for these costs, are entitled to a social funeral.

Where Should the Application be Submitted?

The application for a social burial typically needs to be submitted to the local social services office, where the deceased may have already received social benefits. If this is not the case, a cost coverage for the burial is still possible. The decisive factor is always the income situation of the relatives. The benefit must then be applied for directly at the local social services office.

What Documents Are Needed?

Before applying for a social burial at the responsible social services office, you should gather information about the necessary documents required for the cost coverage evaluation.

These include, among others, the following:

  • Bank statements from the last three months
  • Savings books and other investments (stocks, etc.)
  • Life insurance policies
  • Death certificate
  • Last will and testament
  • Proof of property ownership
  • Inventory and valuation of the estate
  • It is best to inquire personally or by phone in advance if additional documents are needed.

How Does a Social Burial Work?

A social burial is a simple yet dignified form of burial. The responsible social services office initially covers the cemetery fees - which include the cost of acquiring the burial plot, opening and closing the grave, and the usage rights. However, only the costs for a simple and anonymous grave or a single row grave are covered. Costs for grave maintenance are not included.

The social services office also covers the costs for the undertaker, clothing and preparing the deceased, necessary transportation, and the burial itself. The deceased is entitled to a simple coffin and either an earth burial or cremation, with the latter also including the costs for cremation and the urn. The doctor's fees for issuing the death certificate are also covered by the social services office.

Costs for a memorial service, grave decoration, music, or a funeral speaker are not covered by the office.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Social Funerals

We would like to provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on this topic.

Are social funerals always anonymous?

The relevant authority cannot mandate an anonymous burial in the case of a social funeral. If the bereaved prefer otherwise and the authority handles the funeral costs, the authority cannot pressure the applicant into opting for a cheaper anonymous burial for cost reasons.

What is the income limit for a social funeral?

As an applicant for a social funeral, it's crucial to understand that both your income and what is termed 'protected assets' ('Schonvermögen') will be taken into account when applying for cost coverage.

'Protected assets' refer to a kind of exempt amount, which is set at €5,000. This means that any assets or income that do not exceed this protected amount will not be considered as income or assets by the social welfare office, and thus cannot be used to cover the funeral costs.

How much can a social funeral cost?

Are the deceased person's wishes taken into account in a social funeral?

As you might expect, the scope of a social funeral is reduced to the essentials. The social welfare office approves a very specific extent of services for cost coverage, which can vary from place to place or municipality to municipality.

It's worth noting that if the deceased had specific wishes about their funeral, such as a particular type of funeral (e.g., sea burial, cremation, etc.) and there is a funeral directive, the social welfare office must consider these wishes.

The following costs are covered in a social funeral:

  • Graveyard fees
  • Coffin
  • Transport costs
  • Cremation
  • Urn
  • Death certificate
  • Any requested type of funeral
  • Gravestone
  • Hygienic care
  • Storage of the deceased
  • Dressing and laying out
  • Funeral hall

For a social funeral, the costs for a simple coffin and a simple gravestone are covered. However, there is only an obligation to cover the cost of a gravestone if it is required by the respective cemetery regulations.


A burial is the last honor we can give to a deceased person. If your financial means are insufficient, do not hesitate to seek support from the relevant authority. Always remember: even a very simple funeral can be dignified and beautiful. The memory and honor of the deceased are not a matter of money but of your heartfelt commitment.

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