The Sea Burial: Procedure, Organization, and Costs

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Sea burial is nowadays a popular alternative to the usual and well-known forms of burial such as cremation or ground burial. In the past, this type of interment was only possible if the deceased had a special connection to the sea.

Today, sea burial is available to everyone, and this is a positive development as more and more people feel a connection to nature, particularly to water. Because of this, they wish for their final resting place to be at sea. However, there are certain regulations for sea burials, and numerous administrative formalities need to be completed.

In Germany, sea burials are permitted in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. The costs for a sea burial vary depending on whether you choose an anonymous or an accompanied sea burial.


What is a sea burial?

A sea burial is a special form of interment, for which the deceased can decide while still alive. If not, a representative relative can make this decision after their death. You have the option of having the sea burial in the North Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, or even in the Atlantic Ocean.

Additionally, you can choose between an accompanied or anonymous sea burial. The accompanied sea burial includes a memorial service with mourners. In contrast, with the anonymous burial, the contracted shipping company independently and anonymously handles the burial.

  • Aufbereitung und Dekoration der Urne an Bord | © Aufbereitung und Dekoration der Urne an Bord
    Decoration and Presentation of the Urn Onboard

    Die Urne wird im inneren des Schiffs aufgestellt und schön dekoriert.

  • Beisetzungsposition wird angesteuert | © Beisetzungsposition wird angesteuert
    The burial has been initiated

    Die Beisetzungsstelle wird angesteuert und die Flagge auf Halbmast gesetzt.

  • Die Schiffsglocke gibt ein Signal ab | © Die Schiffsglocke gibt ein Signal ab
    The ship's bell gives a signal

    Wenn die Beisetzungsposition erreicht ist, stoppt das Schiff und die Schiffsglocke gibt ein Signal ab.

  • Am Heck des Schiffes nehmen Trauergäste Abschied | © Am Heck des Schiffes nehmen Trauergäste Abschied
    At the stern of the ship, mourners bid their final farewells.

    Die Urne wird gemeinsam mit dem Kapitän an das Heck des Schiffes gebracht, wo alle Trauergäste Abschied nehmen können.

  • Die Urne wird ins Wasser gelassen | © Die Urne wird ins Wasser gelassen
    Urn is lowered into the water

    Die Urne wird ins Wasser gelassen und es können Blumen oder Blütenblätter ins Wasser gegeben werden.

Can Anyone Have a Sea Burial?

Before a sea burial can take place, the deceased must first be cremated. This means that in the crematorium, the remaining ashes are placed into a specially designed water-soluble urn for sea burials. The urn is then handed over by the funeral home to the shipping company that will carry out the burial at sea.


What Are the Benefits of a Sea Burial?

A sea burial offers both financial and emotional benefits. Compared to a traditional burial, it is significantly less expensive in the long run, as there are no ongoing grave maintenance costs. Emotionally, many mourners find it easier to come to terms with the loss after a sea burial, as it leaves just the memory with no physical location to visit.

Requirements for a Sea Burial

In Germany, there is specific burial legislation, which varies by federal state. If the deceased already knew during their lifetime that they wished for a sea burial, they should obtain a sea burial directive. This directive eases the subsequent legal hurdles and serves as proof that this type of burial was desired.

In some federal states, such a directive or declaration of intent is necessary for the burial to be approved. If no sea burial directive is available, a written declaration of intent must be signed by the deceased's representative. The funeral home will then handle all official matters as well as the sea burial itself.


The Right Urn and Additional Rules for Sea Burial

There are also specific rules that shipping companies must follow for the sea burial itself. The sea burial of the urn must take place at least 3 nautical miles from the coast and only on rough ground, meaning the biodegradable urn must be released into the sea far away from fish and water sports enthusiasts.

A special urn is used for sea burial, which is water-soluble and does not contain any harmful components for the water.

What is a Sea Burial?

A sea burial is a special kind of interment that a person can choose during their lifetime. If they have not made this decision, a family member can opt for it after their passing. You have the freedom to choose whether the sea burial takes place in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean, or even the Atlantic Ocean.

Sure, here is the translated text: Can anyone have a sea burial?

Yes, there are no specific requirements.

How Sea Burials Are Prepared

After the death has occurred, you should hire a funeral home within one day to take care of the deceased. It is important for you to know that a sea burial is only possible through a funeral home. 

This service includes the transportation of the deceased, preparation (washing, dressing, etc.), cremation at the crematorium, all necessary paperwork, and of course, the handover of the urn to the responsible shipping company. 

Ideally, you should discuss the process in detail with the funeral home beforehand. This is particularly important if the sea burial is to take place abroad. When transporting the urn internationally, you will want to know exactly who will receive the urn and how the burial will be conducted. 


The Process of a Sea Burial

As previously mentioned, as a relative, you do not need to worry about a thing for a sea burial. The funeral home you hire will contact the responsible shipping company and hand over the urn for burial at sea. 

If you wish for an accompanied sea burial, you must inform the shipping company or the funeral home in advance. They can then make arrangements for you and the invited mourners, such as floral decorations, cake, and a memorial meal. 

Once you are on board the ship, you will usually find the urn beautifully prepared and decorated in the interior area. As the burial site is approached, the flag will be flown at half-mast. When the burial site is reached, the ship will stop, and the ship's bell will signal. 

Afterward, the urn will be brought to the stern of the ship along with the captain, where you and all the mourners can say goodbye before the urn is lowered into the water. Naturally, flowers or petals can also be placed into the water at this time. 

Apart from the sea burial process itself, don't forget to advise the mourners to wear suitable clothing. A sea burial can be quite chilly and windy. You and the mourners should, therefore, dress warmly.

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Beautiful Quotes for a Sea Burial 

Even at a sea burial, you have the opportunity to send a final farewell to the departed. For example, you can have stones engraved with a quote and place them in the sea alongside the urn.

Here are some beautiful quotes for inspiration:

“The soul of man is like water - it comes from heaven, rises to heaven, and returns to earth - constantly changing.” - Goethe

“In the presence of the sea and the eternal return, we understand life and death as reconciled, inseparable unity.”

“To cross a river, one must leave one side.” - Gandhi

“You are no longer where you were, but you are everywhere we are.”

“You watch the sun slowly set beyond the horizon and are still surprised when it suddenly becomes dark.”

“Memories are tiny stars that shine comfortingly in the darkness of our grief.”


How Long Does a Sea Burial Take?

A sea burial typically lasts between two and three hours. You should consider not only the burial ceremony but also the time it takes for the ship to reach the burial site. 


What Flowers Are Suitable for a Sea Burial? 

As with other forms of burial, you have the freedom to choose the flowers for a sea burial. However, only loose flowers and petals are allowed - wreaths or arrangements cannot be placed in the sea. 


What Are the Costs of a Sea Burial?

Compared to traditional burial methods, such as a cemetery burial, sea burials are often more cost-effective in the long run. After the burial, family members do not need to worry about a gravestone or grave maintenance. 

However, a sea burial still incurs costs, just like any other burial. The costs mainly comprise administration fees (including the death certificate), funeral home services (cremation, cremation coffin, sea urn), and the burial service provided by the shipping company. 

If you prefer an accompanied sea burial or one that takes place abroad, additional costs will apply for the extra efforts or transportation. An anonymous sea burial in the North Sea or the Baltic Sea is usually the most affordable option. 

Important: Before choosing a funeral home that offers sea burials, you should compare services and prices from at least two to three different providers. Prices for sea burials can vary significantly. 

Generally, you should anticipate costs ranging between €1,000 and €3,500, depending on the type of sea burial you choose. 



Sea burials have become a popular and increasingly chosen burial method. In Germany, sea burials are carried out exclusively in the Baltic and North Seas, but burials in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean are also possible. 

You also have the option to decide whether the burial will be accompanied by family members or conducted anonymously. To honor the wishes of the deceased, it's best to discuss these preferences with your loved one during their lifetime. 


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