Islamic Burial: Process, Traditions, and Costs

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Islam is one of the major world religions and is gaining followers worldwide. Islamic funerals are steeped in centuries-old rituals and traditions. There are specific burial rituals in Islam. In this article, we aim to provide insights into the rules of an Islamic funeral. 


The First Ritual: Declaration of Faith

When a Muslim is on the verge of death, family members gather at the bedside. 

The dying person then recites the declaration of faith, known as the 'Shahada.' The individual is positioned to face Mecca. If the dying person is no longer able to muster the strength to say it, family members assist in reciting the declaration.

Once death has occurred, the eyes of the deceased are closed and family members recite prayers for them. The mouth of the deceased is then closed by binding the jaw. Only after this practice can or will the deceased be transferred by a funeral director. 

  • Die Beerdigung muss am Tag des Todes durchgeführt werden | © Die Beerdigung muss am Tag des Todes durchgeführt werden
    The funeral must be held on the day of death.

    War der Todeszeitpunkt am Abend oder in der Nacht, muss die Beerdigung am Folgetag stattfinden.

  • Der Tote wird von seinen Sünden freigesprochen | © Der Tote wird von seinen Sünden freigesprochen
    The deceased is absolved of their sins.

    Der Tote wird zunächst von seinen Sünden freigesprochen.

  • Das Glaubensbekenntnis wird immer wieder von der Trauergemeinde aufgesagt | © Das Glaubensbekenntnis wird immer wieder von der Trauergemeinde aufgesagt
    The Creed is always recited by the congregation.

    Auf dem Weg zur Grabstelle wird das Glaubensbekenntnis immer wieder von der Trauergemeinde aufgesagt

  • Der Verstorbene wird in Richtung Mekka in das Grab gelegt | © Der Verstorbene wird in Richtung Mekka in das Grab gelegt
    The deceased is placed in the grave facing Mecca.

    Am Grab hält der Imam eine Ansprache und trägt einige Koranverse vor. Anschließend wird der Verstorbene in Richtung Mekka in das Grab gelegt.

  • Die Beisetzung erfolgt ohne Sarg | © Die Beisetzung erfolgt ohne Sarg
    The interment will take place without a coffin

    Im islamistischen Glauben ist nur die Erdbestattung erlaubt. Üblicherweise wird eine Beisetzung ohne Sarg durchgeführt. Es werden ausschließlich die Leinentücher verwendet.

The General Process of an Islamic Burial

The process of a Muslim burial follows certain established rituals and customs. These traditions have been passed down for centuries and are also commonly practiced in our community. There are funeral homes specializing in Islamic burials.


The Washing of the Deceased

The body is washed and cleansed after death. This washing, known as Ghusl, can be carried out at home, in a hospital, or even in a nursing home.

Nowadays, there are also facilities at cemeteries designated for this washing. Men are washed by male relatives or the Imam, while women are washed by female relatives.

The cleansing must be done by an adult Muslim. A hierarchy determines who is allowed to perform the washing:

The person the deceased requested,

then the parents,

followed by the grandparents.

The spouse is also permitted to perform the washing, despite the gender difference.

This ritual can also be carried out by a funeral home that specializes in Islamic burials.

The religion dictates that the cleansing must be performed three times. The water used is mixed with musk, a fragrance, camphor, or rose water.

During the washing, the deceased is undressed and their feet are positioned towards Mecca. Once the washing is completed, the funeral prayer is recited.


Shrouding in Linen Cloths

After the cleansing, the deceased is wrapped in a white linen cloth, tied above the head and below the feet with matching bands. Only the silhouette of the deceased is visible. This practice in Islam highlights that all people are equal before Allah. It's important to know that the number of cloths varies:

  • A man is wrapped in three cloths.
  • A woman is wrapped in five cloths.
  • A child is wrapped in only one cloth.


The Funeral Prayer

The Islamic funeral prayer is recited after the washing and just before the burial, either at the grave site or in a nearby mosque. The deceased is laid open on a stretcher or bier, also oriented towards Mecca.

The mourners and the Imam line up in rows. The Imam stands directly in front of the deceased - at head level. The congregation lines up in several rows behind him. The funeral prayer is then recited together.

The funeral prayer consists of several components. This includes the opening, peace and blessings upon the prophets Mohammed and Abraham, and lastly, supplications for the deceased.


The Islamic Burial

According to Islam, the burial must take place on the same day as the death. If the death occurred in the evening or at night, the burial must take place the following day.

On the day of the burial, the deceased is initially absolved of their sins.

The Imam then leads the procession towards the grave. The coffin or the shrouded body is carried on a bier by men following the Imam. On the way to the grave site, the profession of faith is repeatedly recited by the mourners.

At the grave, the Imam delivers a speech and recites some verses from the Quran. The deceased is then laid to rest in the grave, facing Mecca. In Islamic belief, only burial in the earth is permitted, usually without a coffin, using only the shroud.


Are Islamic Burials Allowed in Germany?

A few decades ago, Islamic burials were not common in Germany. Deceased individuals were often transported to their home country to be buried according to Islamic traditions.

However, Islamic burials are now also possible in Germany. That being said, there is a legal requirement for a coffin. A burial with only a shroud is not permitted.


Muslim Cemeteries in Germany

More and more Muslim cemeteries are being established in German cities, especially in major urban areas. However, perpetual rest for the deceased cannot be guaranteed in Germany.

In Germany, each grave has a resting period, typically between 20 and 30 years. After this period, the grave is exhumed, unlike in Islamic tradition where there are no predefined resting periods and the deceased remains in their grave indefinitely.

Muslim graves are generally less ornate and decorated. Muslim cemeteries are generally very simple, as they do not adhere to elaborate burial rites.


Frequently Asked Questions about Islamic Burials

We would like to address some frequently asked questions about Islamic burials.


Are flowers placed at the grave for an Islamic burial?

While flowers are not explicitly forbidden, they are not typically used in Islamic burials. The burial and grave site are kept very simple, and floral decorations are uncommon.


How much does an Islamic burial cost?

The costs for an Islamic burial are comparable to those of a Christian burial. However, one difference lies in the ongoing costs. Since Islamic graves remain longer - as eternal rest is granted to the deceased - there are also longer-lasting fees associated with the graves.



Islamic burials are deeply spiritual and simple events with a strong focus on the equality of all people in death. Opulent coffins or flower-laden graves are uncommon in these rites.

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