Finding a Dignified Burial Site: What to Consider When Choosing a Grave


When a death occurs, many difficult decisions accompany the grief. It is very rare for individuals to have already chosen their own graves and made the necessary arrangements during their lifetime. In most cases, this responsibility falls to the bereaved.

We explain what you need to consider during this process.


What Burial Sites Are Available?


First of all, the question arises as to what type of grave is suitable. Should the beloved deceased be laid to rest in an existing family grave, or must a new burial site be found?

Not every cemetery offers the same options when it comes to choosing a grave. Carefully think about your priorities and then inquire at the respective cemetery about its regulations and the possibilities available to you.


Choice Grave


A choice grave is a burial site you can select freely. Using a cemetery map, you can decide whether the grave should be near the chapel, under a tree, or by the cemetery wall, for instance. You also often have options regarding the size of the grave. However, not all cemeteries offer this type of grave. If you have specific preferences for the location, make sure to inquire explicitly about it.


Line Grave


With line graves, you do not have the option to choose the exact location. These graves are assigned sequentially, and you will be given the next available plot. The grave has precisely defined dimensions and is placed in a row with graves on either side.

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Anonymous Grave


An anonymous grave eliminates the use of a gravestone or a plaque with an inscription. Often, burial sites in forest cemeteries or lawn graves, for instance, are anonymous graves - the deceased is laid to rest in a very natural setting. In the case of semi-anonymous graves, there is a communal plaque or register where the location of the deceased's final resting place is recorded. For completely anonymous graves, no one knows the exact location of the grave.


How to Find a Burial Site?


Depending on how the deceased lived their life or what their explicit final wishes were, the choice of a suitable burial site can vary. Some important considerations should be made in advance concerning the grave choice, as they influence your options when deciding on a specific grave site.


1. Choice of Burial Type


First, there's the choice of burial type: If you are considering an earth burial, it is generally subject to certain regulations. Depending on the cemetery, your options might be limited to a family grave, a row grave, or possibly a private grave.

If the decision is in favor of cremation, in addition to earth graves, columbariums, forest graves, or even sea burials may be possible options.


2. Choice of Burial Location


This brings us to the choice of burial location: Perhaps your beloved deceased was an avid sailor or boater? In that case, a sea burial might be suitable. Or maybe they were deeply connected to nature and wished to become one with it in a forest cemetery? Perhaps, due to a strong connection to their hometown, a specific cemetery is preferred? You can inquire at that location about the types of graves allowed and how you can align your choice accordingly.

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3. Choosing a Grave Design


When considering how you would like a grave to be designed, think about the level of care you can or wish to provide. Do you have the time and desire to tend to a grave daily, finding comfort in the connection it brings? Or is maintaining a grave challenging due to distance or physical limitations? In that case, a low-maintenance urn grave, a columbarium, or a row grave with a grave marker might be more suitable.


Additional Questions About Finding a Burial Plot


If you are facing the difficult task of choosing a grave for a loved one for the first time, you are likely to have many questions. We have compiled some of the most common questions here to help you.


Can You Choose the Cemetery?


Who decides where you will be buried? Can you choose your final resting place? If you have a preference for a specific cemetery, you can make this decision before your passing. Otherwise, your family can choose the cemetery. Keep in mind: Only cemeteries in the community or city where the deceased was last registered are obligated to provide a burial. Cemeteries are not required to accept a person from outside their jurisdiction. However, this is usually not an issue if the cemetery has available space.


Where Can You Be Buried if You Are Not Affiliated with a Church?


Some cemeteries are managed by religious organizations, while others are managed by the municipality. In municipal cemeteries, it doesn’t matter whether the deceased was affiliated with a church. For church-managed cemeteries, non-religious burials are only possible in specific cases.




Choosing a suitable burial plot involves considering various factors. It's best to familiarize yourself with these options ahead of time, so you are not overwhelmed during a period of deep grief.




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