Catholic Funeral: Traditions and Procedures

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In general, a Catholic funeral does not have a strictly prescribed sequence or scope. However, it is accompanied by certain rituals and customs such as the Requiem Mass, calling a priest, confession, blessings, and anointing. Everything you need to know about a Catholic funeral is covered in this article.

We will describe how commemoration of the dead is conducted in the Catholic Church, the kind of prayers included in a Catholic funeral, and what you should know about the process of a Catholic funeral.


Catholic Funeral - The Blessing Before Death

When a Catholic's death is imminent, a priest is usually called. The priest performs the final blessing and anointing. A table with a cross, candles, and holy water is prepared for this.

Before the dying person can pass into the 'light,' they receive their last confession. The aim is to ensure their soul is clean and free of sins.

Following this, the priest reads a few passages from the Holy Bible. Then, both the priest and the dying person recite the Our Father prayer.

What Catholic Hymns are Suitable for Funerals?

A Catholic funeral service is accompanied by special songs. Very popular and frequently chosen are 'Ave Maria' and 'Holy God, We Praise Thy Name.' Other church hymns include 'O World, I Now Must Leave Thee,' 'Blest Be the Tie that Binds,' 'Now Rest Beneath Night's Shadow,' and 'My Hope is Built on Nothing Less.'

How long do Catholics mourn?

Catholics mourn for 120 days. After six weeks, it is common for the mourning community to gather at church for what is known as the six-week memorial service to remember the deceased once more. The bereaved pray together and often follow the service with a shared meal.

The Order of a Catholic Funeral

The order of a Catholic funeral service follows specific guidelines and structures:

  • Einleitung der Trauerfeier mit Musik oder Gesang | © Einleitung der Trauerfeier mit Musik oder Gesang
    Introduction to the Memorial Service with Music and Song

    Der Beginn der Trauerfeier wird durch Musik oder Gesang eingeleitet.

  • Sarg oder Urne wird mit Weihwasser beträufelt | © Sarg oder Urne wird mit Weihwasser beträufelt
    The casket or urn is sprinkled with holy water

    Der Sarg oder die Urne wird mit dem Weihwasser beträufelt. Dies dient zur Erinnerung an die Taufe.

  • Das Eingangsgebet wird vom Priester gesprochen | © Das Eingangsgebet wird vom Priester gesprochen
    The opening prayer is spoken by the priest.

    Die Begrüßungsworte des Pfarrers an die Trauergemeinde folgen. Im Anschluss spricht der Priester die drei Kyrie-Rufe, welche durch die Gemeinde wiederholt werden.

  • Gemeinsame Lieder werden gesunden und Psalmen gesprochen | © Gemeinsame Lieder werden gesunden und Psalmen gesprochen
    Communal songs are sung, and psalms are recited.

    Es wird noch einmal zusammen für die Erlösung des Toten gebeten.

  • Das Begräbnis wird mit Weihwasser und einem Kreuzzeichen gesegnet | © Das Begräbnis wird mit Weihwasser und einem Kreuzzeichen gesegnet
    The burial is blessed with holy water and the sign of the cross.

    Der Priester spricht folgende Worte: „Wir übergeben den Leib der Erde. Christus, der von den Toten auferstanden ist, wird auch unseren Bruder (unsere Schwester) zum Leben erwecken."

The funeral service begins with music or singing.

Subsequently, the casket or urn is sprinkled with holy water. This is done to remind us of baptism.

Next, the pastor delivers the welcome message to the mourners. Immediately after, the priest recites the three Kyrie responses, which are repeated by the congregation.

The priest then says an opening prayer, explaining the situation and asking for God's grace. This is followed by the reading from the Holy Scriptures, the Bible.

The following homily reflects on the life of the deceased. The homily is a funeral sermon tailored specifically for the loved one who has passed. This sermon uniquely connects the life of the deceased to that of Jesus Christ and his resurrection.

During the subsequent moments of silence, the bereaved can reflect on the sermon’s words and how they relate to their own lives and, most importantly, to the life of the departed.

Afterward, hymns are sung and psalms are recited together. There is another collective prayer for the salvation of the deceased.

The casket or urn is then carried to its final resting place. The journey to the gravesite is accompanied by communal singing (often the hymn 'In paradisum') or the ringing of church bells.

Once at the gravesite, the burial is blessed with holy water and the sign of the cross. When the casket is lowered into the grave, the priest recites: “We commend the body to the earth. Christ, who rose from the dead, will also raise our brother (our sister) to life.”

Finally, a shovelful of earth is sprinkled over the casket.

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What Catholic Funeral Songs Are There? 

A Catholic funeral service is often accompanied by special hymns. Very commonly and popular are 'Ave Maria' and 'Holy God, We Praise Thy Name'. Other church hymns include 'O World, I Now Must Leave Thee', 'By Gracious Powers', 'Now Rest Beneath Night's Shadow' or 'Jesus, My Confidence'. 

The hymns serve to aid in the grieving process and also aim to provide hope through faith. 


Special Features and Rules of a Catholic Funeral 

The followers of the Catholic faith theoretically have no restrictions regarding the form of burial.

However, anonymous burials are not permitted in the Christian Church. There must be a designated place to allow the bereaved a space to grieve. Thus, there needs to be a specific location marked with a gravestone and adorned with plants, floral arrangements, and wreaths.

Furthermore, the cemetery is considered a sacred place in the Catholic Church. It is meant to ensure a dignified, honorable, and appropriate farewell. 

One of the most common forms of burial for Catholic believers is interment in a coffin.  

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Frequently Asked Questions about Catholic Funerals

If you are not very familiar with Catholic funeral rituals but would like to learn more about them, we would like to answer some frequently asked questions here.

Can Catholics be cremated after death?

In the past, cremation was not allowed in the Catholic Church. Since the Second Vatican Council in 1963, however, it has been permitted.

The earlier prohibition was based on the belief that the resurrection of the body could no longer be symbolized if the body was cremated and thus destroyed.

What happens according to Catholic belief after death?

According to Catholic belief, the soul faces the final judgment after death. Many souls must first be purified in purgatory before they can enter heaven. On the Day of Judgment, it is believed that all the dead will rise with their bodies.

When does the funeral take place?

The funeral, according to Catholic belief, should take place no earlier than 48 hours after death.

How long do Catholics mourn?

Catholics typically mourn for 120 days. Six weeks after the death, it is common for the bereaved community to gather for a special church service called the 'Six Weeks' Mass' to remember the deceased. The family and friends pray together and often share a meal afterward.


Catholic funerals are particularly common in the southern regions of Germany. The death of a person is seen as a new beginning, with the soul being released into the afterlife.

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