Grabkissen aus Porphyr in Herzform mit Einfassung auf dunklem Splitt | © Messerschmidt GmbH

The Color Red


The loss of a loved one is a difficult time. Choosing a headstone is often one of the first tasks that must be completed after losing a family member. There are many decisions to be made when selecting a headstone, and one of the most important is the color of the stone.

Most people opt for a headstone in a neutral color like gray or black. This is understandable, as they may prefer not to stand out and to maintain a serious or classic look. However, many people also choose a colored headstone to give the deceased a special tribute. A popular choice for headstone colors is red.

Red symbolizes love and passion and can serve as a powerful reminder of the deceased. The choice of a headstone color is a very personal decision. If you decide on a colored headstone, you should ensure that the color matches your taste and the personality of the deceased.

Grabstein aus rotem Sandstein schön hell gefleckt und bogenförmig | © Messerschmidt GmbH

The Significance of Red


Choosing the color for a headstone is an important decision. Most people select a color that reflects the personality or life of the deceased. Red is a popular choice for headstones because it carries numerous meanings.

Red symbolizes love, life, and passion. It is a color that conveys hope and strength. For many, red also represents freedom. Choosing red for a headstone can be a heartfelt way to offer comfort and hope to those left behind.

Grabstein aus rotem Granit mit Edelstahlkreuz - der Stein ist größtenteils bruchrau mit einer Schwingung | © Messerschmidt GmbH

The Popularity of Red Headstones


Red headstones have become increasingly popular in recent years. Many bereaved families choose these stones because they stand out and are unique. Other reasons for selecting a red headstone might include the deceased being a passionate supporter of a particular sports team, or because red stones are often associated with love and passion.

If you are looking for a special headstone for a loved one who has recently passed away, you should consider Messerschmidt Headstones. Our stones are of the highest quality, and we offer a wide range of designs, colors, and sizes.

Grabstein aus rotem Sandstein mit ausgesägtem Kreuz | © Messerschmidt GmbH

Why Are Red Tombstones a Popular Choice?

Many bereaved families who are selecting a tombstone for their loved one choose red tombstones. These tombstones are a popular choice because they are unique and eye-catching.

There are many reasons why people opt for red tombstones. Firstly, they stand out and draw the attention of visitors in the cemetery. Additionally, they are a great choice if you want a tombstone that reflects the personality of your departed loved one.

Grabstein aus rotem Granit poliert mit Figur aus rotem Sandstein | © Messerschmidt GmbH

Choosing a Red Headstone


Selecting a headstone is often one of the most challenging decisions that loved ones must make after a cherished person has passed away. There are so many options and decisions that need to be made - from the type of stone to its size and the inscription.

One of the first choices to be made is the color of the stone. White or black is the traditional color for headstones, but there are no rules that say you must choose a white or black stone. Red headstones are a popular alternative that can make a statement and create a unique memorial.

It is important that the headstone reflects the life and personality of the deceased and provides comfort and memories to the bereaved.

A red headstone is an excellent choice as it is vibrant and noticeable.

Messerschmidt blaue Halle von außen unter blauem Himmel in Crailsheim | © Messerschmidt GmbH

Where to Buy Red Headstones?


If you are looking for a high-quality headstone, Messerschmidt Headstones offers a variety of materials such as red sandstone or red granite. With our many years of experience, we can provide you with the best products at a fair price.

We hope we could assist you and that you choose one of our premium headstones. If you are in search of a red headstone, please feel free to contact us. We would be delighted to help you.


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