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How Much Does a Complete Gravestone Cost?

Most people have never taken an extensive look into the topic of headstones. Thus, it’s common for our clients to have no idea about the cost of a gravestone or what expenses come with purchasing and setting up a headstone.

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Material, Size, Design: These Factors Determine the Price

In this article, we want to explain how the final price is actually calculated. Simply purchasing the stone isn't the end of the expenses. You must also account for the work steps involved around the stone itself.

  1. A loved one has passed away, and you need to choose a headstone for them. You approach a stonemason with your request. Even before you finalize your decision on a stone, the stonemason submits the approval for the headstone to the local cemetery administration. Costs for this approval process are set by each local cemetery administration and will vary.
  2. Next, you can choose between different stones and qualities, whether local stones or those imported from abroad, as well as between different colors and patterns. The type of stone you choose greatly influences the price—marble, for example, is more expensive than sandstone.
  3. Once you've decided on a stone, it moves on to the customization: how should it look, should there be an ornament in addition to the inscription, or should it have a unique shape? These choices also come with substantial price differences. If you want a border or grave cover alongside the headstone, additional costs will apply.
  4. After finalizing the purchase of your headstone from the stonemason, you need to consider grave decoration and maintenance. Depending on your health or available time, a cemetery gardener might be necessary. Various gardeners have different pricing as well.

On average, you should expect the following costs: A single headstone typically costs between 1500 – 3000 Euros, while a double headstone can range from 2500 – 10,000 Euros. Lying or grave plates are generally the least expensive, ranging from 150 – 1200 Euros. However, always be aware that each purchase will have unique costs, as the price changes based on the form, material, and design of the inscription or ornaments.

Additional costs for approval and maintenance should also be considered.

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more than 1.400 Gravesteones:
Rotebachring 45
74564 Crailsheim

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