Kalkstein mit Michelangelo Motiv, der Stein zeigt verschiedene Oberflächenstrukturen, oben ist er nicht grade abgeschnitten sondern in seiner natürlichen Form belassen | © Messerschmidt GmbH

Unique Tombstones


Our company, Messerschmidt GmbH, offers you a wide range of various tombstones and options. We provide unique family grave sites, tombstones with special sculptures or glass elements, tombstones with unusual shapes, as well as simple graves. There are no limits to your design wishes, although the financial aspect might play a role. It is important to pay the last respects to the deceased and to honor their memory. An individualized grave that reflects the deceased is perfect for this purpose. We incorporate all customer requests into the production process and strive to fulfill every wish to ensure your satisfaction.

Der Stein ist aus dem Material Padang dunkel gefertigt. Er besteht aus 3 Teilen, die jeweils unterschiedlich hoch sind . Auf dem höchsten Stein, welcher in der Mitte steht, ist oben ein Sonnenmotiv eingraviert.  | © Messerschmidt GmbH

Ideas for Extraordinary Gravestones


Photo Gravestones

This involves incorporating a picture of the deceased into the gravestone, which can be done using laser engraving or with porcelain or ceramic. The images can be either black-and-white or colored.


- Gravestone with Hobby Motif:

A unique memorial stone is created when incorporating interests from the deceased's life that held significant value. Examples include musical instruments, sports motifs, or books.

Der Stein ist aus Sandstein gefertigt und ist sehr vielseitig gestaltet. Der Stein ist größtenteils glatt geschliffen, wird aber mit eingemeißelten raueren Linien durchzogen. Das ganze lockert den Stein auf und hat eine Bedeutung. In der Mitte ist außerdem ein grün-schwarzes Glaselement angebracht.  | © Messerschmidt GmbH

- Ancient Gravestone: These gravestones are inspired by old designs. They often stand out in cemeteries and distinguish themselves from the crowd. They are frequently designed to be straightforward and simple, allowing the unique patterns to catch the eye.


- Gravestone with Animal Motif: Many people share a strong and loving bond with their pets. This often creates the desire to represent this special love on the gravestone as well. It's common to find motifs of dogs, cats, horses, and birds, which also serve as symbols of freedom.


- Gravestone with Light: A beam of light refracting through a glass surface is considered a unique symbol. Additionally, light symbolizes divinity and is the highest gift of nature. Gravestones with glass elements exude a sense of security, tranquility, warmth, and ease. Moreover, glass allows for vast creative freedom in designs.


Mo-Sa: 8:00 - 20:00
Su: Show day - no consultation

more than 1.400 Gravesteones:
Rotebachring 45
74564 Crailsheim

© 2025 Messerschmidt GmbH