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For many years, people have been wearing healing stones as jewelry, whether as necklaces, earrings, or bracelets. These colorful stones are sought after not only for their beauty but especially for their unique powers. The diverse and empowering effects of the stones have been known to us for many years.

Healing crystals assist in addressing every need, be it emotional support, confidence, love, happiness, or general vitality. They also remind us of qualities and character traits.

We also rely on the healing power of these wonder stones, just as our ancestors did. We want to help you cope with what might be the greatest loss of your life.


A beneficial stone to counteract concentration problems and stress. It symbolizes security and stability in life. The amethyst enhances judgment and can provide steadfastness.

The amethyst helps to free oneself from old energies, cleansing the aura and leading to more happiness and joy in life.



For those seeking balance and contentment, apatite is the right stone. It helps in boosting self-confidence and reduces inhibitions.



Aragonite helps you stay connected to everyday life. It also protects against nightmares and inner restlessness one might be facing. Additionally, it enhances patience in daily life and improves receptivity.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz benefits those who have lost courage and perhaps even joy in life. It restores both, filling a person with positive energy and regenerating and cleansing the body, mind, and spirit.



Calcite calms the inner spirit and energizes a person with enthusiasm. It encourages and motivates to actively tackle and solve problems, enhancing the ability to approach obstacles with foresight. Calcite symbolizes an optimistic and life-affirming mindset.

It also has the soothing property of helping with sleep and countering nightmares.



Citrine alleviates stress and sorrow. It actively helps in overcoming loss. It represents hope and joy and fills people with positive energy, happiness, and a cheerful disposition. In addition to all its beneficial effects, it enhances and strengthens individual uniqueness and self-confidence.



Fluorite is an excellent choice for those embarking on a new chapter in life, ready to change directions and choose a new path. Fluorite assists in redesigning life. It embodies courage, happiness, and a positive inner attitude.

Besides all its positive effects, it also helps alleviate fears, pain, and stress.



Garnet is particularly effective in energizing areas related to love and devotion. It ensures harmony within a person.



If you're looking for protection and security, obsidian is beneficial. Known as a protective stone, it symbolizes safety from external and especially negative energies. It also enhances self-control and supports in recognizing reality. Obsidian helps in confronting one’s true self and reduces insecurities and fears.



Jasper is a special stone with beneficial healing properties. It combats stress and pressure. Jasper fills a person with calm both internally and externally, bringing a sense of wholeness. It ensures the unification of all aspects of life. Determination, courage, and resilience are just some of the abilities jasper represents.


Moss Agate

Moss agate endows a person with the power to differentiate and weigh between truth and falsehood. It helps live the day with less stress. It is often referred to as the stone of new beginnings. It supports those embarking on a new life phase or journey.


Rose Quartz

This stone is immediately associated with love and peace, and that's exactly what it represents. It cleanses and opens the heart on all levels. It symbolizes inner healing, courage, understanding, but most importantly, the ability to see beauty and positivity in all things.

Is there a lot of pressure and tension on you, or are you dealing with inner barricades?

Rose quartz helps in emotional healing. It brings unspoken feelings to the surface and alleviates emotional pain.



Sodalite reduces pressure and feelings of guilt. It ensures emotional balance. It stands for courage, self-confidence, and steadfastness in life.


Tiger's Eye

Tiger's eye significantly aids in healing mental strains, whether from headaches or internal pressure. It enhances receptivity and willingness to learn. It symbolizes familial warmth and personal creativity.



This protective stone shields against negative energy. It also relieves tension. Tourmaline symbolizes compassion and creativity, along with dispelling negative thoughts and promoting neutrality and rationality.

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Als Meisterbetrieb bieten wir seit 2006 würdevolle Grabmäler in ganz Deutschland an. 
Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Suche und Konzeption eines passenden Grabsteins kompetent und professionell.

Bei unserer großen Auswahl an Urnengrabsteinen, Einzelgrabsteinen, Doppelgrabsteinen und Liegegrabsteinen ist auch für Ihren Geschmack etwas dabei.
Jedes Grabmal ist individuell - deswegen nehmen wir uns die Zeit, die Sie benötigen, um einen würdevollen Ruheort zu gestalten.

Zwar produzieren wir im schönen Crailsheim in Baden-Württemberg. Aufgestellt werden unsere Grabsteine aber in ganz Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz - also auch bei Ihnen und das ohne Aufpreis!

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