Cemetery Regulations: What's Included in the Cemetery Rules?

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The term “cemetery regulations” encompasses all the rules and guidelines concerning the operation of a cemetery. This includes regulations on grave sizes, resting periods, and how a grave can be designed and planted. Additionally, each cemetery regulation in the UK includes the specific fees applicable to that particular cemetery.

The regulations are also referred to as a rule catalog.

Below, we have summarized all the essential information regarding cemetery regulations. As a prospective leaseholder of a grave site, it is advisable to be familiar with the key contents of the relevant cemetery regulations.

How much are cemetery fees?

This varies by location and is determined by the municipality. For more information, please refer to our cemetery fees database.

Are cemetery fees always the same?

The amount of cemetery fees can vary greatly from city to city and from cemetery to cemetery. Additionally, cemetery fees and funeral costs account for between 20% and 40% of the total costs.

What Does the Cemetery Ordinance State?

The burial laws allow each municipality to create its own cemetery regulations.

These cemetery ordinances always indicate for which cemeteries the regulations apply and who is allowed to be buried there. Generally, every member of a municipality has the right to be buried in the local cemetery.

The cemetery ordinance also governs the maintenance of graves. This includes the rules for designing graves, grave sizes, the spacing between graves, and the planting of graves. There may also be specific regulations regarding the types of headstones and the materials permitted.

The general cemetery ordinance also provides information about the resting periods, which can vary. Typically, the resting period is 20 years for ashes and 25 years for bodies.

Furthermore, the cemetery ordinance specifies the opening hours of a cemetery. 

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The Schedule of Fees is Part of the Cemetery Regulations

“What costs are included under cemetery fees?”

Cemetery fees cover the following costs:

Grave usage rights per site:

  1. The lease of a grave site for 20 to 30 years.

  2. Extension of the usage rights per year

  3. Costs for exhumation and reburial

  4. Clearance fee

The amount of cemetery fees can vary greatly from city to city and cemetery to cemetery. Additionally, cemetery fees and burial costs constitute between 20% and 40% of the total costs. Therefore, it is definitely worth looking into the possibility of a suitable grave site in other places as well. Cemetery fees are significantly cheaper in smaller towns or communities.


Overview of 'Cemetery Regulations' from 10 Major German Cities


Below, we provide examples of cemetery regulations from 10 major cities like Leipzig, Berlin, Hamburg, etc.:

  1. Cemetery Regulation Hamburg (Harburg)

  2. Cemetery Regulation Berlin

  3. Cemetery Regulation Cologne

  4. Cemetery Regulation Stuttgart

  5. Cemetery Regulation Munich

  6. Cemetery Regulation Leipzig

  7. Cemetery Regulation Hanover

  8. Cemetery Regulation Nuremberg

  9. Cemetery Regulation Dusseldorf

  10. Cemetery Regulation Saarbrücken


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