Graves of Stars: 5 Famous Burial Sites

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Graves of Stars: 5 Famous Burial Sites

The news of a celebrity passing away quickly spreads in the public sphere, becoming known to almost everyone within a few hours or days.

However, people often don't know where exactly the person is buried, what special features the grave has, and what celebrity graves look like. To provide you with this information, we would like to introduce you to five special burial sites of well-known personalities from the past. These include the graves of celebrities like Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe, and even Jesus Christ.


Princess Diana

Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, and her birth name was Diana Frances Spencer. Diana was the former wife of British King Charles and is the mother of Prince William and Prince Harry.

She tragically died on August 31, 1997, in a terrible car accident in a tunnel in Paris. Two other people also lost their lives in the accident. Her death was a shock to many, and a lot of people mourned her. Her funeral service was watched by numerous people as well.

Her family gave her the last respects in a private ceremony on the Spencer family estate, a few miles north of London. Diana was not buried in the family tomb. Her family thoughtfully chose a small island where she was finally laid to rest.

The island is part of the Spencer family estate, specifically in the garden of Althorp, which is located within a park. The lake surrounding the island was artificially created and is also referred to as the 'Round Oval.' The island symbolizes a beautiful and private place of peace and quiet where family members can find a wonderful place to mourn, meant to honor Diana.

The island is also known as the 'Island of Tears.' Along the small path leading to the island, an oak tree was planted for each year of Diana's life. Four mute swans live on the water, and the lake is adorned with water lilies and white roses.

Only close friends and family members are allowed to visit Diana's grave on the island. The burial site is not open to the public.

The exact location of the grave on the island remains unknown to the public. This anonymity allows the family to quietly remember the 'Queen of Hearts.'

To ensure that Diana's many followers have a place to mourn and remember her, a memorial was erected directly opposite the island on the southern shore, known as 'Diana's Memorial.'

This memorial is distinguished by her name engraved on the front. The small building resembles a royal gatehouse. Underneath the structure, there is a bench that provides a place for mourning followers to pay their respects.‍

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Goethe and Schiller

Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Friedrich Schiller were buried in the Weimar Ducal Vault. Alongside them, another 33 individuals rest in the vault. Today, the vault stands as a symbol of neoclassical architecture.

The coffins of these two renowned poets are placed directly next to each other because Johann Wolfgang von Goethe expressed during his lifetime the wish to be buried beside his friend Friedrich Schiller.

However, in 2008, it was discovered that Schiller's remains were not in his coffin. Instead, it was found that the bones belonged to a multitude of different people. Schiller's actual remains have not been found to this day.

As a result, it was decided to leave Schiller's coffin empty and to bury the bones in the cemetery.‍


Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was one of the most famous music entertainers in the world. He passed away on June 25, 2009, at the age of 50. 

Originally, the pop star's grave was supposed to be located at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in California. However, rumors quickly spread that the artist was cremated according to the family's wishes.

Michael Jackson's ashes were not buried. Parts of the ashes are held by his children Paris, Prince Michael, and Prince Michael Joseph Jackson. The ashes are in jewelry pendants shaped like broken hearts and worn on chains. 

The remaining portion of the ashes is said to have been scattered under a pear tree at Neverland Ranch. ‍

Is Goethe buried next to Schiller?

However, in 2008 it was discovered that Schiller's remains were not in his coffin. Instead, it was found that the bones belonged to numerous different individuals. Schiller's body has not been found to this day.

Where are Michael Jackson's ashes?

The ashes of the late Michael Jackson were not buried. Parts of the ashes are in the possession of his children Paris, Prince Michael, and Prince Michael Joseph Jackson. The ashes are kept in jewelry pendants shaped like a broken heart, which hang on a chain.

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was a US-American actress, singer, model, and film producer in the 1950s. She passed away in 1962. To this day, she remains a global icon and continues to be very popular.

Marilyn Monroe was cremated. Her urn rests at Westwood Village Memorial Park in California.

What makes Marilyn's burial site unique is that the surrounding graves can be purchased. Many fans and admirers of Monroe pay a substantial amount of money to be buried next to her. Such a burial site can cost up to $250,000.

The vacant plots are listed on the real estate section of the 'Los Angeles Times.' Additionally, it's not uncommon for these plots to be auctioned online. For instance, in 2009, the plot above Marilyn Monroe was sold for $4.5 million.


Jesus Christ

In Jerusalem, at the site of Golgotha, Jesus is believed to have been laid to rest in a rock-cut tomb. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre stands there today, marking the location where Jesus was buried. His tomb is said to be surrounded by marble rock.

During recent restoration work, the tomb was opened for the first time. Researchers were astonished by the preservation of the original floor slab. According to the Bible, three women entered Jesus' tomb and found it empty. However, the emptiness of the tomb cannot be confirmed in this case.

Inside the tomb, a marble slab was discovered, engraved with a cross. Nonetheless, it is believed that this site may not be the actual burial place of Jesus Christ.

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Which Cemetery in Germany Has the Most Celebrities?

Visiting the graves of famous individuals in cemeteries has become a popular activity, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as it was one of the few things people could do.

A large number of celebrity graves can be found at the Südwestkirchhof Stahnsdorf near Berlin. 

At the entrance, there's even a map available for one euro that guides visitors to the graves. Among others, actor Manfred Krug, politician Otto Graf Lambsdorff, film director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, and TV host Dieter Thomas Heck are buried here.

The wooden chapel at the cemetery also served as a filming location for the Netflix series “Dark”. 

Moreover, the Munich-Bogenhausen Cemetery is the final resting place for several celebrities, including actors Helmut Fischer and Walter Sedlmayr, film producer Bernd Eichinger, director Helmut Dietl, and writer Erich Kästner. 


Hollywood Forever Cemetery: The Cemetery of Stars

The Hollywood Forever Cemetery in California likely has the highest concentration of celebrities. Located on Santa Monica Boulevard, it is the resting place for some of the most iconic Hollywood stars, including George Harrison, Johnny Ramone, Dee Dee Ramone, Pauline Hemingway, and Jean Howard. 

The cemetery regularly hosts parties and concerts. DJs often perform there, and even alcohol is permitted, as the cemetery is privately owned. 



For fans, a celebrity's gravesite can be a popular and sometimes important pilgrimage spot to feel close to their star. Many are also fascinated by the idea that in the end, we are all mortal, and not even celebrities are spared from death.

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