Cleaning Gravestones: Tips for Granite, Marble & Sandstone

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The ravages of time do not spare even a monument meant to last forever. Depending on the location of the grave and the weather conditions, you will need to clean and maintain the headstone sooner or later. What you need to consider when cleaning a headstone is explained in this guide. 

When is it Time for a Gravestone Cleaning?

If you notice stubborn dirt on your loved one's gravestone, you might want to consider a cleaning. Moss, bird droppings, or lichens can affect the natural stone.

Many people use All Saints' Day as an occasion to tidy up the grave and gravestone. However, we recommend cleaning the gravestone thoroughly several times a year. This way, more stubborn stains won't get a chance to develop.


What Are the Most Common Types of Gravestone Stains?

There are certain types of stains that you will encounter frequently, no matter what material your gravestone is made from. 


Green Algae

If you notice green deposits on your gravestone, it's likely green algae. This is a natural chemical reaction of the stone caused by exposure to wind and weather. However, if green algae is not removed, it can damage the stone over time. 


Soot and Dust

Soot and dust are always present in the air due to emissions from vehicles, chimneys, or industry. These fine particles settle on gravestones and stick stubbornly due to the stone's fine surface irregularities.



Moss tends to grow in shady and damp conditions, which are often found in cemeteries. It thrives on smooth surfaces like stones and feeds from the air. 


Bird Droppings

Bird droppings are also unavoidable on gravestones. Cemeteries are attractive to birds because they are greener and quieter than the surrounding urban areas. Gravestones serve as perfect perches for them. 


Tree Sap

Depending on the location of the grave, tree sap can also cause particularly stubborn stains. The sap is carried by wind and weather from trees and settles on the gravestones. 



Fungal spores can be transported through the air and settle on the gravestone. They manifest as lichens and can spread locally on the stone. 

When should you clean a gravestone?

All Saints' Day is often used as an occasion to tidy up the grave and headstone. However, we recommend cleaning the headstone thoroughly several times a year. This way, more stubborn dirt and stains won't get a chance to develop.

Removing Verdigris from a Gravestone?

If green deposits form on your tombstone, you are dealing with verdigris. This is a natural chemical reaction of the stone due to exposure to wind and weather. However, if not removed, verdigris can harm the stone. There are specialized cleaners available.

DIY Headstone Cleaner: Tips and Tricks

To prevent lichens, moss, bird droppings, and other debris from permanently adhering to a headstone, it's important to clean it regularly. The longer the dirt stays on the stone, the harder it will be to remove.

What Do I Need for Tombstone Cleaning?

Most natural stones can be cleaned with simple household cleaners and tools.

Watering Can: With the watering can that you typically already have on hand for grave maintenance, you can bring the necessary water to the tombstone. Use the can to moisten the tombstone before cleaning and rinse it off after cleaning.

Brush: To scrub the tombstone, a simple root brush is recommended. Choose a size or model that you can hold well and firmly in your hand. Some elbow grease might be required for stubborn dirt.

Cloths and Sponges: With an ordinary household cloth and/or a sponge, you can handle the finer details. Dust and dirt that hasn't settled completely can be removed optimally, and you can give the tombstone a final shine after the main cleaning.

Tombstone Cleaner: Tombstone cleaning products are available in household or specialty stores. They are ideal as cleaning agents for tombstones as they clean well without damaging the stone itself. Most of them only need to be sprayed on and left to take effect.

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What to Consider When Cleaning Different Types of Stone?

Depending on the material of the stone, special care should be taken during maintenance. Different stones possess unique properties. Here, we show you what to keep in mind for each type. 


Cleaning Natural Granite Stones

Granite is a particularly hard stone, making it well-suited for outdoor use, such as on a gravestone. However, untreated granite is quite susceptible to dirt and moisture, as these can easily penetrate its pores. Polished granite stones are generally easier to clean since dirt cannot embed deeply. It is recommended to use a specialized granite cleaner to avoid damaging the sealing created during polishing. 


Cleaning Sandstone Gravestones

With sandstone, the composition of the specific stone matters. If the gravestone is heavily calcareous, avoid using acidic cleaners similar to marble gravestones. As a precaution, it is best to avoid using harsh and acidic cleaning agents on sandstone gravestones altogether. 

Sandstone is fairly prone to moss and lichens. There are specialized stone cleaners available in stores that effectively counteract this. 


Cleaning Marble Gravestones

Marble is a very soft stone, making it suitable for intricately designed gravestones. However, its nature also makes it highly susceptible to external influences. Acidic cleaners can severely damage marble, so it's crucial to check the pH value when purchasing a cleaner. The pH should be above 6.5 or explicitly labeled as alkaline or low-acid. 

Neutral soap is a good option. If the gravestone is heavily soiled, you may use a special marble cleaner for gravestones, but only in exceptional cases. 


Be Cautious with Home Remedies When Cleaning Gravestones

Of course, you can also clean gravestones with simple home remedies. Particularly in very natural cemeteries, many people prefer to clean gravestones without chemicals. 

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    Achtung: Auf die Reinigung mit Essig bei Grabsteinen muss verzichtet werden. Polierte Grabsteine und Sandsteine vertragen die Säure nicht.

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In households, diluted vinegar essence in a spray bottle is often used as an all-purpose cleaner. However, we advise against using it for gravestone maintenance. Vinegar is highly acidic, can damage polished gravestones and sandstone, and leaves behind harm.


Baking Soda

Baking soda is often used to clean moss-covered and verdigris-affected patio surfaces. To do this, dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda in plenty of water. For gravestones, baking soda is recommended only for sandstone or limestone. With polished stones, exercise caution, as they could be damaged. 


Oil and Wax

You can actually bring polished gravestones back to their original shine with oil or wax. This is particularly effective on marble or granite. Apply a small amount to a soft cloth and evenly rub the surface. For roughly worked stones, it's advisable to avoid using oil or wax. These substances can cause unsightly stains that are very difficult to remove. 

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Avoid These 2 Mistakes When Cleaning a Headstone

There are a few important things to keep in mind when caring for a headstone to avoid any unpleasant surprises. 


1. Improper Use of a Pressure Washer

Be extremely cautious when using a pressure washer. Softer stones, especially sandstone, can be damaged if used improperly. Never hold the pressure washer nozzle too close to the stone. 


2. Using the Wrong Cleaner

Using the wrong cleaner can damage the stone. Always ensure that you use a cleaner appropriate for the specific type of stone. It's advisable to seek advice from a specialized dealer. 


Frequently Asked Questions About 'Cleaning Headstones'

We would also like to provide answers to some common questions that we receive on this topic. 


How much does a headstone cleaning cost?

If you decide to hire a professional service, such as a cleaning company or a stonemason, you should expect costs between 80 and 150 euros. Prices can vary slightly depending on the region. 


Should I seal the headstone after cleaning?

It is recommended to seal the headstone after a thorough cleaning. Unsealed headstones weather much faster. 



Incorporating headstone cleaning into your grave maintenance routine will help preserve the monument for a long time. Additionally, regular cleaning will make the task much easier in the long run.

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Als Meisterbetrieb bieten wir seit 2006 würdevolle Grabmäler in ganz Deutschland an. 
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Bei unserer großen Auswahl an Urnengrabsteinen, Einzelgrabsteinen, Doppelgrabsteinen und Liegegrabsteinen ist auch für Ihren Geschmack etwas dabei.
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