The Right Grave Planting for a Dignified Resting Place

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By planting on the grave, you provide the last gesture of attention to the deceased. A beautifully and respectfully designed grave not only honors the memory but also helps you cope with the loss of a family member. Doing something visibly good allows you to feel a sense of gratitude and peace.

However, the task of planting a grave isn't always easy. Particularly when it comes to choosing new plants and deciding which flowers are appropriate for the grave, many people find themselves at a loss.

In this article, we'll explain what is important when planting on a grave and which plants are best suited for each season.

Why Grave Planting is So Important

The loss of a loved one is a painful experience for all family members and can only be overcome with significant grieving. As surprising as it may seem, planting a grave is a part of this grieving process.

By planting the grave, you feel a connection to the deceased in a unique way. You transform the grave into a dignified memorial and a place where the memory of the loved one can be truly honored.

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Ground Covers for Grave Planting

Ground covers are considered classics when it comes to planting a grave. The major advantage of ground covers is that they are very low-maintenance and can cover the entire grave. They grow in width rather than height. The dense growth of these plants also helps prevent the growth of weeds. 

Ground covers are best planted in spring or fall. These resilient plants need to be watered regularly at the beginning. Especially suitable ground covers include foam flower, pachysandra, or fescue cushion. 

Of course, you can also opt for a combination of ground covers and traditional grave planting. This entirely depends on how much time and effort you can invest in grave maintenance. 


The Right Grave Planting According to the Season

In addition to the mentioned factors, such as the location for grave planting, the different seasons also play a crucial role. 

Depending on the season, you need to choose different plants so they can thrive and bloom on the grave. If you want to keep maintenance efforts to a minimum, consider choosing hardy plants that also require little water. 

Below, we provide some examples of which plants are suitable for different seasons. 

  • Frühling | © Frühling

    Unterschiedliche Frühblüher wie Primeln, Osterglocken, Krokusse oder Stiefmütterchen

  • Sommer | © Sommer

    Pflanzen oder Gräser zu wählen, die mit wenig Wasser gut auskommen. Immergrüne Bodendecker, robuste Ziergräser und robuste Eisbegonien oder Purpurglöcken.

  • Herbst | © Herbst

    Gedeckte Farben und Pflanzen, die erste kalte Nächte gut vertragen. Astern, Funkien und Silberkörbchen

  • Winter | © Winter
    Winter Winter

    Sie können die bodendeckenden Pflanzen weiter verwenden, die Sie bereits im Herbst eingepflanzt haben. Zudem eignen sich im Winter Gestecke aus getrockneten Zweigen, Trockenblumen oder Stechpalme zur Dekoration.

Why is grave planting so important?

By planting the grave, you bring yourself closer to the deceased in a certain way. You transform the grave into a dignified memorial and a place where the memory of the departed couldn't be more beautiful.

Ground Covers for Grave Planting?

Ground covers are classic choices for planting on gravesites. The major advantage of ground covers is that they are very low-maintenance and can green the entire grave. They don't grow upwards but spread out horizontally. Additionally, the dense growth of these plants prevents weeds from growing.

Grave Planting in Spring

As soon as winter is over, spring brings the time when the grave can start blooming again. Early and late bloomers are perfect for those first warm rays of sunshine. 


When to Plant the Grave in Spring?

Starting from late February, you can find a good selection of spring bloomers suitable for the first grave planting of the year. Be sure to choose varieties that can tolerate brief periods of cold temperatures. 

Ideal plants for a spring grave:

  • Daffodils
  • Crocuses
  • Pansies
  • Tulips


Grave Planting in Summer

Summer is likely the most beautiful time for grave planting. During this season, summer flowers bloom in their fullest and most magnificent display in the cemetery. Colorful and heat-resistant plants are especially suitable for graves exposed to direct sunlight. 

For a shaded grave, you can choose plants of any kind. Before you start planting flowers on the grave in summer, make sure to thoroughly moisten the dry soil to facilitate easy planting. 

Ideal plants for a summer grave: 

  • Fuchsias
  • Geraniums
  • Daisies
  • Begonias

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Grave Planting for the Fall

Fall is often referred to as the golden season, with plants displaying a wide array of colors. Even during this time, you can bring the grave to life with the year's last warm rays of sunshine. 

For the fall, it's important to choose plants that can withstand low temperatures and are frost-resistant. 

Ideal grave plants for the fall: 

  • Christmas Roses
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Cyclamen

The end of this season plays a significant role in cemeteries. With the end of fall, the winter planting is usually set on Eternity Sunday. 


Grave Planting for the Winter

In winter, planting on graves is limited due to the cold temperatures. As previously mentioned, graves are prepared for winter on Eternity Sunday or All Saints' Day. 

Generally, graves are covered with pine branches for this purpose. If you decide to plant on the grave during winter, you must choose plants that can endure low temperatures and frost. 

To maintain a dignified appearance of the grave in winter, you can also place wreaths and arrangements in addition to planting. Plants for winter: 

Ideal grave plants for the winter: 

  • Wintergreen
  • Silverleaf
  • Silver Basket


Plants for Year-Round Grave Planting

Year-round grave planting is ideal for those who have little or no time to invest in grave care. For this type of planting, you should choose a combination of permanent and seasonal plants. 

For permanent planting, especially ground-covering or hardy plants that require little water are suitable. A certain amount of seasonal planting allows the grave to appear fresh throughout different seasons. This way, you will only need to invest minimal effort in grave maintenance.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Grave Planting

At this point, we would like to answer some particularly common questions about planting for graves.


Which grave flowers require little water?

If you cannot visit the cemetery every day to water, especially during summer, it is essential to choose plants that need little water. Suitable options include the Evergreen Honeysuckle or Bergenia, which mostly take care of their moisture needs themselves. Feather grasses are also hardy ornamental grasses that do well with minimal water.


Is mulch allowed at the cemetery?

If you plan to use mulch for the grave, you should discuss this in advance with the cemetery administration. Mulch is not permitted everywhere.


What type of soil should be used for a grave?

Always use special grave soil. It consists of high-quality peat that guarantees good plant growth and prevents rapid drying out. This soil is much darker than regular soil.



Grave planting not only ensures a dignified appearance at the grave but also serves as a beautiful memory of the deceased. Saying goodbye and grieving can be made easier by a tasteful planting of the grave site.

For a grave that blooms as long as possible, you must consider the location of the grave so that you can select the appropriate plants. Using ground covers can help keep maintenance efforts to a minimum.

If you have limited time for grave care, you can rely on the cemetery's associated gardener or the responsible cemetery gardener for assistance.

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