The Most Beautiful Condolence Quotes for Sympathy Cards

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If you would like to offer your condolences to someone in your circle of friends or colleagues with a sympathy card, it can often be quite challenging to find the right words.

Depending on how well you know the person dealing with the loss, very personal words may not always be possible or appropriate. A tasteful condolence quote can be a good alternative. 


What should a condolence quote convey? 

A condolence quote should express your heartfelt sympathy. It should also provide comfort and courage to the bereaved and show them that they are not alone during this difficult time. 


How do I choose the appropriate condolence quote?

When selecting a condolence quote, you should consider both the deceased and the bereaved. Is it a deeply religious family? Was the deceased adventurous? Or are the relatives more modern or conservative? Choose a quote that matches the context. 


A List of the Most Beautiful Condolence Quotes 

We would like to offer you some sample quotes here for inspiration. We have categorized the sample quotes to help you think more concretely about which style might be most suitable for your situation.


Short Condolence Quotes

Our beloved dead are not deceased; they have merely ceased to be mortal.


She is now free and our tears wish her happiness.

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


You are no longer where you were, but you are everywhere we are.

- anonymous


The bonds of love are not severed by death.

- Thomas Mann


Death is the gateway to light at the end of a path that has become arduous.

- Francis of Assisi


Everything separated finds each other again.

- Friedrich Hölderlin

We are here for you We are happy to assist you.

Modern Mourning Quotes

The most beautiful thing a person can leave behind is a smile on the face of those who think of them.


When a flower dies, a seed is born - when a seed dies, a plant is born. And life continues on its path, stronger than death.

- Rene Juan Trossero


To our beloved father: a father loves - without many words a father helps - without many words a father understands - without many words a father leaves - without many words and leaves a void that words cannot express.

Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.

- Vaclav Havel


Our deceased are not absent, but merely invisible. They look with their eyes full of light into our eyes full of sorrow.

When you left the world, the heavens held their breath in happiness for a moment.


The life journey of a dear person has ended. Our hearts are filled with pain, but also with gratitude because we could walk a part of their blossom-filled path with them.

Do not stand by the grave with a tear-streaked face, I am here - I am not asleep. I am in the wind that blows across the sea, I am the sparkle in the white snow. I am the sun on ripening grain, I am in the autumn's golden harvest. When you wake in the morning light, I will always be around you. I am in the circling of the birds in the sky, I am the star that brightens the night. Do not stand by the grave in desperate need, I am here - I am not dead!

  - Irish Graveside Poem


The wind blows a leaf from the tree, one of many leaves, this one leaf is scarcely noticed, for one is but one. Yet this one leaf alone, was part of our lives, and this one leaf alone, will always be missed.


No one knows, who hasn't been through it, how it feels when someone spreads their wings and quietly, quietly, sets off on the journey - the final one. No one knows, who hasn't experienced it, how it feels, when someone is no longer there. When the place of the one, you wished was still near, is empty.


Silent and still
You go on your final journey
Embraced by the waves of the sea
You will now be without haste and worry
Carried by day to the most beautiful beaches of the world
Resting at night under your beloved sky.

- Solveig Tietje


Classic Mourning Quotes

Those who live in the memory of their loved ones are not dead, they are merely distant; dead are only those who are forgotten.

- Immanuel Kant


The only important thing in life are the traces of love we leave behind when we go.

- Albert Schweitzer


The most beautiful monument a person can receive stands in the hearts of their fellow humans.

- Albert Schweitzer

One loves their mother almost without knowing it and without feeling it, because it is as natural as living; and one does not realize until the moment of the final separation how deep the roots of this love go.

- Guy de Maupassant


You are not dead, you just change the rooms. You live in us and walk through our dreams.

- Michelangelo


Let my idleness when nothing is to be done, be full of undisturbed deep peace, like the evening on the beach when the sea is silent.

- Rabindranath Tagore


Oh, if you could walk through the garden once more, with a quick step, how gladly would I wait, wait for hours.

- Theodor Fontane


Do not forget me, faithful heart, Stay true to me in the distance, Without you all joy is pain, Without you the stars are dark.

- Clemens Brentano


The last verse of your song had faded when he called your name, but within us, it will never be silenced, it sings quietly deep within our souls.

- Edith Maria Bürger


Since my angel no longer watches over me, he can freely spread his wings and split the silence of the stars - for he no longer needs to hold my anxious hands - since my angel no longer watches over me.

- Rainer Maria Rilke

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Christian Condolence Quotes

By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered, we confidently await whatever may come. God is with us at evening and at morning and certainly on every new day.

- Dietrich Bonhoeffer


The soul has two eyes: One looks into time, the other looks into eternity.

- Angelus Silesius


I am the Lord, your God, who now calls you by name: come to me and be mine! I am the Lord, your God, who has long been searching for you. I ask you, come home.


The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.


And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.


My times are in your hands.


Bible Quotes as Condolence Quotes

Here I am, Lord; you called me.

- 1 Samuel 3:5


He will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces.

- Isaiah 25:8


I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.

- John 11:25


He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

- Revelation 21:4


Do not let your hearts be troubled.
You believe in God; believe also in me.
My Father’s house has many rooms;
if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

- John 14:1-2


And the dust returns to the ground it came from,
and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

- Ecclesiastes 12:7

What should a condolence message convey?

A condolence message should express your heartfelt sympathy. It should also provide comfort and courage to the bereaved, showing them that they are not alone during this difficult time.

How do I choose the right condolence message?

When choosing a funeral quotation, you should consider both the deceased and the bereaved. Was it a deeply religious family? Was the deceased more adventurous? Or are the relatives more modern or conservative? Choose an appropriate quotation based on the context.

Buddhist Mourning Quotes 

To cross a river, you must leave one side behind.

- Mahatma Gandhi


Tired from the long paths of life and death,
I have finally arrived.

- from Japan


I came to your shore as a stranger,
I lived in your house as a guest,
I leave your threshold as a friend,
my earth.

- Tagore 


The shadow of the bamboo in the moonlight
Sweeps the dust from the steps
All night long
Nothing is swept away! 


In the sea of life,
sea of death
Growing weary in both
My soul seeks the mountain
Where the tide recedes. 


Muslim Mourning Quotes 

We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return - Quran

May you find a home in paradise - Quran

Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even if you are in lofty towers - Quran 

Allah does not break His promise - Quran

Guide us on the straight path - Quran 

Live your life as if you are a stranger, someone just passing through - Abdullah Ibn Umar

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Condolence Messages for Colleagues 

Bright days, don't mourn that they are over, smile because they existed.

- Confucius


Joy to those who come. Blessings to those who stay. Peace to those who move on.

When you are sad, look into your heart, and you will see that you are weeping for what once brought you joy.

- Khalil Gibran


Death is not the end, not the decay. Death is just the turning point, the beginning of eternity.


We live twice: the first time in reality, the second time in memory.

- Honore de Balzac


With the wings of time, sadness flies away.

- Jean de La Fontaine


Those who fear death the least are those whose lives have the most value.

- Immanuel Kant


We always hope, and in all things, it's better to hope than to despair.

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Condolence Messages for Friends 

We must learn to live all through our lives, and perhaps what will astonish you more: We must learn to die all our lives.

- Seneca 


A kind heart has stopped beating. 


The soul now peacefully ascends to heaven, since I brought peace to friends on earth.

- William Shakespeare


I wish you peace, without struggle, without pain, endlessly secure forever. Be where you are, connected with me. Be vigilant and be there in the moment, when later, not now, at my time, to you.

- Jochen Jülicher


We have you deeply in our hearts and will always have you with us there.


Someone who shared their love with others remains forever on this earth. 


Friends, if the spirit has departed, do not shed a tear for me, for where I am, there is peace, there an eternal day shines for me.

- Annette von Droste-Hülshoff


Now all that remains of you is the memory of your eyes, your smile, your hands in the hearts of those who love you.


Why do we look sadly into the void? Why do we cry ocean-sized tears? Why is our heart full of cracks? Why? Because we miss you!


Condolence Messages for a Spouse 

I take your smile with me into the day. It will warm me until we meet again.

- Manfred Mai


When you look at the sky at night, it will seem as if all the stars are laughing because I live on one of them, because I am laughing on one of them. Only you will have stars that can laugh. And when you are comforted, you will be glad to have known me.

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Losing the one you love is an eternal pain.


You are not removed from my life, you will be with me somehow, absent yet present, far and near at the same time, giving me the strength I need to keep going. Goodbye.

- Jochen Jülicher


And always, when I hear your name, a small stab will hit me right in the heart.

- Jochen Jülicher


Not lost, only ahead. Nothing is ever truly lost, even when we no longer recognize it. You carry a piece of eternity from you in you, and I carry it in me too.

- Jochen Jülicher

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