The Coffin - Materials, Features, and Costs

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When a body is buried in Germany, it must always be placed in a coffin and buried with it (casket requirement). This is true even for cremations, where the ashes will later be interred in an urn. 


The Coffin and Its Purpose

As mentioned earlier, there is a casket requirement in Germany. This means that for any type of burial, whether it is a ground burial or a cremation, the body must be stored in a coffin. 

The coffin serves several purposes. It is generally used for transport, storage, and the actual burial of the deceased. Therefore, coffins come in various materials, features, and prices. 

Basically, coffins are divided into two models. One is the so-called cremation coffin, which is designed exclusively for cremations and is made of cost-effective materials. The other is the classic coffin for ground burials, which is much sturdier to withstand the pressure in the soil. 


Which Materials Are Suitable for a Coffin? 

Various materials are suitable for a coffin. Many people automatically associate a coffin with a wooden structure. However, there are several other permissible natural materials. 


Wooden Coffin 

A coffin can be made from various types of wood. Traditionally, it is made from pine, spruce, oak, mahogany, or cherry wood. Cost-effective models are usually made from spruce and poplar. More expensive models are generally made from mahogany or cherry wood. 

Furthermore, a distinction is made between plywood and solid wood in coffin construction. Plywood is primarily used in coffins intended for cremation because it is significantly thinner and less stable than solid wood. For ground burials, solid wood is the right choice, as only this can withstand the pressure in the soil over time. 

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Coffin Made of Cellulose  

Coffins made of cellulose are becoming increasingly popular. They are sourced from reforested wood, making them more eco-friendly than regular wooden coffins since no mature trees need to be felled for their production. 

Additionally, these coffins are significantly lighter and more cost-effective than those made of solid wood, and their production saves on CO2. 

For those who lived an environmentally conscious life, such a coffin can be a fitting choice. These coffins, often disparagingly called “cardboard coffins,” are permitted only for cremations. 


Coffin Made of Synthetic Resin 

Coffins made of synthetic resin are also considered quite environmentally friendly. Moreover, they offer a chance to break away from the traditional wooden coffin's look. These coffins can come in various colors and shapes, allowing for creative personalization. Even rounded edges or unique shapes are possible. 


Coffin for Cremation

Specific coffins are required for cremations. Known as combustion coffins, these are designed to be particularly low in harmful emissions during cremation. Unlike coffins used for burials, combustion coffins are relatively plain and lack handles on the sides, as they are meant solely for transport and cremation. 


Difference: Open & Closed Coffin

Sometimes, the bereaved may wish for an open coffin. This means that the coffin is displayed before the actual burial, giving close relatives the opportunity to see the deceased one last time and to say their goodbyes peacefully. This can help many bereaved individuals cope better with the loss and aid in their grieving process.

However, with a closed coffin, the bereaved will not have the chance to see the deceased before the burial. The closed coffin is brought directly to the chapel and then interred.

The funeral home you choose will thoroughly prepare you for this process and provide supportive guidance. 

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Where Does the Term 'Coffin' Come From?

The term “coffin” as we know it today originally stems from Greek and derives from the word 'sarcophagus.' In Greek, 'sarcophagus' referred to a limestone that was placed next to a corpse and was capable of accelerating the decomposition process. 

Wooden coffins were already being made in the Neolithic period (around 3000 BC) from split tree trunks that were hollowed out and covered with hide. The deceased were then placed inside. The tree trunks were also painted and decorated.

Over many years, this term was also applied to other materials and types of stone, which is why today we use the word 'coffin' for the wooden coffin we are familiar with.

What Materials Are Suitable for a Coffin?

  • Sarg aus Holz | © Sarg aus Holz
    Wooden Coffin

    Ein Sarg kann aus verschiedenen Holzarten bestehen. Kiefer, Fichte, Eiche, Mahagoni oder auch aus Kirschbaumholz. Kostengünstige Modelle sind meist aus Fichte und Pappel. Teure Modelle hingegen in der Regel aus Mahagoni oder Kirschbaum.

  • Sarg aus Zellulose | © Sarg aus Zellulose
    Cellulose Coffin

    Särge aus Zellulose werden aus aufgeforstetem Holz gewonnen.

  • Sarg aus Kunstharz | © Sarg aus Kunstharz
    Coffin made of Resin

    Särge aus Kunstharz gelten als recht umweltschonend.

  • Sarg für die Feuerbestattung | © Sarg für die Feuerbestattung
    Coffin for Cremation

    Sogenannte Verbrennungssärge sind bei der Kremierung besonders schadstoffarm.

How Much Does a Coffin Cost?

Depending on the coffin model, coffins are categorized into different price ranges. For the most basic coffin variant, the plywood model, you should expect costs of up to approximately €200. Coffins in the mid-price range are usually made of pine and start at around €800. High-quality coffins, which include oak wood and additional decorations, start at a price range of €1,500. 

If the bereaved are looking for a customized coffin, with elaborate decorations and made from especially high-quality materials, there are various providers who can make and manufacture coffins according to customer specifications. However, this option is naturally very cost-intensive. 



As you can see, the coffin has a long history and was already used in a different manner in the early Stone Age for the burial of the deceased. 

Nowadays, a coffin is essentially used for cremation or burial. The choice of what type of coffin to select is entirely up to you. We are, of course, always available to offer our guidance and support whenever you need it. 

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