Anonymous Burial: Costs, Process, and Benefits

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For many, terms like “anonymous burial” or “anonymous grave” might initially sound sad or frightening. However, anonymous burials or semi-anonymous burials have their own established place in our society.

We aim to provide you with more information on this topic and explain why this form of burial is actually gaining more attention.


What is an anonymous burial?

When talking about an anonymous burial, it generally refers to a quiet burial. This type of burial does not involve creating a gravesite, designing a headstone, or having a funeral with attendees.

More and more people today are choosing this type of burial. There are different methods for conducting an anonymous burial.

These include anonymous earth burials, anonymous cremations, anonymous sea burials, anonymous woodland burials, and semi-anonymous burials.


What types of anonymous burials are there?

We would like to give you a brief overview of different types of anonymous burials. Each type caters to different needs of the deceased.


Anonymous Earth Burial

In this type of burial, the coffin with the deceased is interred in a meadow. The cemetery administration takes care of maintaining the “grave,” which may include mowing the grass.


Anonymous Cremation

In an anonymous cremation, the deceased is cremated. The urn is buried in a meadow in a similar manner to an earth burial. The cemetery administration can also take over the mowing of the grass. The gravesite does not have a nameplate, making it impossible to identify the person, thus preserving anonymity. This form of burial is quite common.


Anonymous Woodland Burial

In this form of burial, the deceased is also cremated. This is often referred to as a semi-anonymous woodland burial.

There are special woodland cemeteries, known as burial forests, where urns are interred.

If no nameplate is attached to the respective tree, it is impossible to determine who is buried where, thus maintaining anonymity.

What is an anonymous burial?

With this type of burial, no grave is established, no tombstone is designed, and a funeral is conducted without mourners.

What types of anonymous burials are available?

There are anonymous burials, cremations, or woodland burials.

Different Forms of Anonymous Burial

  • How To Schritt: Anonyme Erdbestattung | © Anonyme Erdbestattung
    Anonymous Earth Burial

    Der Verstorbene wird in einem Sarg auf einer Wiese beigesetzt. Die Friedhofsverwaltung kümmert sich um die Pflege des "Grabes".

  • How To Schritt: Anonyme Feuerbestattung | © Anonyme Feuerbestattung
    Anonymous Cremation

    Der Verstorbene wird kremiert und dann in einer Urne in einem Wiesengrab beerdigt.

  • How To Schritt: Anonyme Waldbestattung | © Anonyme Waldbestattung
    Anonymous Woodland Burial

    Der Verstorbene wird eingeäschert und in einer Urne in einem FriedWald bestattet.

What is a Semi-Anonymous Burial?

A semi-anonymous burial refers to a burial where the grave is marked with a plaque or a sign bearing the deceased's name. This ensures that the bereaved have a place to mourn. However, the exact location of the grave remains unknown to them.


How Does an Anonymous Burial Work?

In an anonymous burial, typically no mourners are present. Since the burial site is not marked during the interment, neither family members nor the funeral director know the exact location of the deceased. The grave remains anonymous.

Although a memorial service is possible, it is not very common for this type of burial. If a memorial service is held, it can take place either next to the coffin or the urn. This service always occurs before the actual burial. Following the service, there is no escort to the grave, ensuring it remains anonymous. However, the family still has the opportunity to say a dignified goodbye.


What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of an Anonymous Burial?

The decision for an anonymous burial is often made during one's lifetime. It's important to consider that the bereaved will not have a specific place to mourn or remember you.

If you have no family or relatives who can tend to your grave, an anonymous burial could be a suitable choice for you.

Another reason for this type of burial might be that your loved ones live in a different city or country, making it challenging to maintain the grave, an inconvenience you wish to spare them.

Many people opt for an anonymous burial to minimize the burden on their families. This eliminates the need for grave maintenance. Opting also against a grave marker means there won't be a specific place for mourning.

Regardless, the decision for an anonymous burial should be respected and accepted by family and friends.


What Does an Anonymous Burial Cost?

The costs of an anonymous burial are significantly lower than those of a traditional funeral.

For this type of burial, only cemetery fees are incurred. There are no additional costs for items like a gravestone or grave maintenance.

The exact costs depend on the municipality and the applicable cemetery regulations, so they can vary.

The following fees apply for an anonymous burial:

Fees for certificates are required for anonymous in-ground, sea, cremation, and woodland burials. These range between €90 and €140.

Fees for the cremation of the body are required for anonymous sea, cremation, and woodland burials. These amount to around €200.

Cemetery fees are required for anonymous in-ground and cremation burials. Depending on the municipality, this amounts to between €1,000 and €2,000.

A shipping fee is required only for anonymous sea burials. This costs approximately €430.

A burial fee/standard plot for a woodland burial is only required for anonymous woodland burials. The burial fee is about €350, and the standard plot costs about €500.

Funeral home service costs (including the coffin and urn) are required for anonymous in-ground, sea, cremation, and woodland burials. The amount varies between €1,500 and €1,800.


Frequently Asked Questions About Anonymous Burials

We would like to answer two frequently asked questions about this topic.


Who Pays for an Anonymous Burial?

In Germany, there is a legal obligation to bury. This means that the family must cover the burial costs. If they can't, the social services department will assume the costs. This regulation also applies to anonymous burials.


Do You Bring Flowers to an Anonymous Burial?

While there may not be an individual grave for anonymous burials, you are still welcome to bring flowers. Typically, there are designated areas where you can place them.



People choose an anonymous burial for various reasons. A significant factor is often the desire to spare the bereaved the task of grave maintenance, especially when they live far away.

If you are considering an anonymous burial for yourself, it's essential to discuss it with your family and prepare them for your decision. Learning about your final wishes unexpectedly can be distressing during their initial period of grief.

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